
Unlimited users
10,000 Active loans
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The Enterprise package is a must for established companies in the financial sector who are planning the next step towards their professional success. Assetify will take care of all your needs and guide you on your way to pro lending with digital assets as collateral. The platform can be easily integrated into your company’s workflow within only several days.

With “Enterprise” you can share the platform with an unlimited amount of users, meaning that anyone from your organization can utilise the Assetify platform. For maximum precision in the workflow, you can delegate users’ rights anytime with the“Role & permissions” function. Be sure that everyone in your team holds the right access and information pursuant to their competence.
We bring up to 10,000 active loans for the needs of well-established lenders and digital banks. This highly generous amount is a prerequisite for excellent results and remarkable returns. All of the loans can be tracked through the CRM, automated and sorted based on the business’ needs. Check at all times what is happening between your lenders and borrowers.
Thanks to the established security method “Two-Factor Authentication” you can always rely on the platform’s security. Have unique access that can’t be denied even by another user who knows your password. We’ll also provide you with unique, bespoke white-label design done by our designers. Thereby the platform will correspond exactly to the nature of your organization. When integrating your brand identity you’re also boosting your public recognition and employer branding at the same time. Be recognizable and facilitate the process of integrating Assetify as an essential part of your services.

Need help? Our team will answer your question priority.

As any traditional SaaS, we provide support, features serving the clients’ needs, and additional services in case any are needed. You’re also welcome to try our educational training sessions, where we coach the clients of our Enterprise plan how to use Assetify to it's best capacity.

The Enterprise package goes for $12500/month with a one-time Integration Fee worth of $15000.

This pricing plan offers the highest level of service, permanent availability in your favor by our highly skilled team and opportunities for special integration requests. We are also pleased to offer you the remarkable 5% of Average Rate of Interest and our team’s professional expertise in any peculiar case occurrence.